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Have a Spring clean and make some extra cash whilst also raising money for the school.

Help save the planet by giving your things a new home, rather than sending them to landfill!

  • Car and space for a table £15 (bring your own table)
  • Table space (bring your own table) £7
  • Table hire £5 (limited availability /car or table space need to be booked as well)

Advance booking only – no spaces will be sold on the day


  • Traders arrival – 8:30am
  • Doors close for traders – 9:45
  • Public access 10am-1pm
  • Traders pack up 1-2pm
  • Vacate site by 2:30pm

Usual car boot rules apply:

No stolen, counterfeit or dangerous goods. No live animals

No selling of age-restricted items to under-age buyers.